讲座教授: Professor T. Russell Hsing
As indicated by Professor John L. Hennessy (President of Stanford University), “High-technology companies are both an important part of our world’s economic growth story as well as the place where many young entrepreneurs realize their dreams”. Compare with many universities in the world, Peking University has competitive advantages in the areas of Information & Communications Technology (ICT) and Economics. Based on instructor’s R&D experience of 35 years (in US industry) with his global connections and involvement with several start-ups, this seminar-course has been designed to use two key emerging technologies & services (namely Vehicular Telematics, e-Healthcare, and Big Data) as application scenarios to blend ICT engineering with business models & solutions to guide students to go through an entire process, step by step, from “Curiosity > Opportunity> Business Model> Risk > Technology Commercialization> Money”. Through invited speakers from local industry and a series of videos of interviewing several highly successful entrepreneurs in US (such as Marisa Mayer of Yahoo!, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Larry Page of Google, and others), I hope that the students will have a first-hand experience to understand how those entrepreneurs transfer their curiosity, hard work and ambition at the very early stage into decisive actions of creating their own high-tech start-up first, and then eventually expand it to one of top Fortune 500 corporations.
This class will cover wide ranges of issues related to the potential challenges involved with creating high-tech enterprises for these emerging services. Through this class, I hope to create a multi-disciplined learning and stimulating environment which will mix technology, innovation, liberal arts and business together for students. Depending on students’ own interests, each one of them could choose either technical track or business track. At the end of this class, it is instructor’s wish that students will be not only equipped with necessary engineering knowledge & marketing insight, but also needed business skill to prepare a promising business plan for a high tech start-up. The students could be able to either have a technical paper which is ready for submission (to the IEEE or ACM conferences) if he (she) to do a technical project, or a sounding business plan to look for necessary working capital (to start a high-tech startup) if he (she) chooses to do a business project. By blending technologies, liberal arts, business and management together, the course hope will provide both perspectives to the students.