

The academic discipline of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science at Peking University has a long history that dates back to the 1950s. Its origin can be traced back to two academic programs: the Computational Mathematics program, which was offered by the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, and the Radio Physics, Electronic Physics and Semiconductor Physics program, which was offered by the Department of Physics.

In December 1958, the Department of Radio Electronics was founded based on the Radio Physics program and the Electronic Physics program, and was later renamed as the Department of Electronics. In 1978, the Department of Computer Science and Technology was founded, based on the Computational Mathematics program offered by the Department of Mathematics, and the Computer Science program. Later, in 1985, the Center for Information Science was jointly established by the Faculties of Mathematics, Computer Science and Technology as well as seven other departments and institutes at Peking University. In the same year, the Institute of Microelectronics was also founded.

In the 21st century, in order to keep pace with the fast development of information science and technology and to meet the growing demands of social informatization and intelligization, Peking University strived to speed up the process of developing itself into a world’s first-class university. In such a context, Peking University formally established its School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science in the year 2002, based on the then Faculties of Electronics, Computer Science and Technology, as well as the Center for Information Science and the Institute of Microelectronics.

Over the past years, Peking University’s Faculty of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science has made a series of significant accomplishments in its research at the leading edge of China’s information science, making a wide international impact. The Faculty has created several “firsts” in China’s development process of information science and technology. Moreover, it has helped to nurture and train a large group of outstanding professionals in the area of information technology — and thereby has contributed tremendously to the development of China as well as international information technology industry.
