The 10th International Symposium on High Confidence Software & 111 Project Annual Meeting was held in Beijing, hosted by the Key Lab of High Confidence Software (Peking University) on Dec. 5-6, 2020. Due to COVID-19, this symposium was held in combination of online and offline meetings.
The 111 Project has 17 experts. 16 of them gave a talk in this symposium. They are Professor Carl Chang (Member of the European Academy of Sciences /IEEE Fellow/AAAS Fellow) from Iowa State University, Professor Christos H. Papadimitriou (Member of the National Academy of Sciences/Member of the National Academy of Engineering/American Academy of Arts and Sciences/Member of the European Academy of Sciences/ACM Fellow) from Columbia University, Professor David Harel from the Weizmann Institute of Science (Member of the National Academy of Sciences/Member of the National Academy of Engineering), Professor Ruslan Smelyanskiy (Member of Russian Academy of Science) from Moscow State University, Professor Carlo Ghezzi (Member of the European Academy of Sciences/ACM Fellow/IEEE Fellow) from Politecnico di Milano, Professor Sumi Helal (IEEE Fellow) from Lancaster University, Professor Ouri Wolfson (IEEE Fellow/ACM Fellow/AAAS Fellow) from the University of Illinois at Chicago, Professor Getov Vladimir from the University of Westminster, Professor Aduris Mockus from the University of Tennessee, Professor Mikio Aoyama from Nanzan University, Professor Beng Chin Ooi (Singapore National Academy of Science/ACM Fellow/IEEE Fellow) from the National University of Singapore, Professor Jin-Yi Cai (AAAS Fellow/ACM Fellow) from University of Wisconsin – Madison, Professor Qiaozhu Mei from the University of Michigan, as well as Professors Zhenjiang Hu and Tao Xie, who joined the Key Lab in 2019.

The opening was chaired by Professor Zhi Jin, the executive deputy director of the Key Lab. Professor Hong Mei (the director of the Key Lab), Professor Carl Chang (the PI of 111 Project), and Professor Bing Xie (the Co-PI of 111 Project) made welcome speeches. Professor Hong Mei summarized the achievements of the 111 Project in 2020, Professor Carl Chang reviewed IEEE Services Congress 2020, and Professor Bing Xie introduced three new faculities of the Key Lab.

Professors Zhenjiang Hu, Lu Zhang, and Daqing Zhang chaired the remaining sessions, each of which consists of 4 talks. In total, there are 13 talks from foreign experts and 3 talks from the Key Lab. Besides, Professor Tao Xie and Professor Carl Chang chaired a panel titled Software Automation where the panelists are Professors Sumi Helal, Beng Chin Ooi, and Zhenjiang Hu.