
名家讲坛:Towards In Situ Software Engineering Technologies



主讲人:Prof. Dr. Carl K. Chang, Iowa State University, USA




The world of computing has progressed beyond anyone's imagination since Professor John Vincent Atanasoff invented the first electronic digital computer at Iowa State College (now Iowa State University) in 1939- 1941. In this talk I will first review and discuss past and present software engineering research and practice.I will then speculate on a possible roadmap that may lead software engineering as a discipline into a brave new world of computing. It is my intention through this talk to impress upon the audience the importance of the fast emerging situational computing as the new platform to advance software engineering. Computer systems must be able to adapt to the dynamic and changing environment in response to instant or delayed feedback from a service installation that nowadays is becoming more and more context aware and pervasive. However, current context-aware service-centric models largely lack the capability to continuously explore human mental states that often drive system evolution. This talk presents my current research in Situ: a situation-theoretic approach to human-intention-driven service evolution in context-aware environments. In this study, I give situation a definition that is rich in semantics and useful for modeling and reasoning about human intentions, whereas the definition of intention is based on the monitoring of a temporal sequence of situations. Based on this framework, instant definition of individualized services at runtime may become possible, and significantly shorten the service evolution cycle. In the end, I will illustrate the possible applications of this framework through a smart home example aimed at supporting independent living of elderly and physically challenged population.

Short Biograhpy:

Carl K. Chang is Professor and Chair of the Department of Computer Science at Iowa State University. He received his PhD in computer science from Northwestern University in 1982, and worked for GTE Automatic Electric and Bell Laboratories before joining the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1984. He joined Iowa State University in 2002 as the Department Chair of Computer Science. His research interests include requirements engineering, software architecture, net-centric computing, services computing and software evolution. Chang was President of the IEEE Computer Society in 2004. He has also served as Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Software (1991-94), a flagship publication for the global software industry, and Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Computer (2007-2010), the flagship publication of the IEEE Computer Society. He has been the recipient of a number of major IEEE awards, including the IEEE Computer Society’s Meritorious Service Award, Outstanding Contribution Award, the Golden Core recognition, and the IEEE Third Millennium Medal. In 2006 he received the prestigious Marin Drinov Medal from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.